Kobusch, I.; Linnemann, S.; Schollenbruch; H.; Hofmann, F.; Boelhauve, M. (2022): Umsetzbarkeit einer Ultraschallvernebelung und Fütterung von Kompetitivkeimen zur Veränderung des Mikrobioms in Schweineställen. BTU-Tagung in Soest, 13.09.-15.09.2022
Kobusch, I.; Linnemann, S.; Schollenbruch, H.; Hofmann, F.; Boelhauve, M. (2022): #1HealthPREVENT – Untersuchungen zur Reduktion multiresistenter Erreger (MRE) in schweinehaltenden Betrieben, Zoonosen-Retreat 2022 in Potsdam, 30.05. – 01.06-2022
Burkert, S.; Gölz, G.; Wachendorf, I.; Rienhoff, A.; Bongard, H.; Kobusch, I.; Linnemann, S.; Hofmann, F.; Alter, T.; Boelhauve, M. (2022): Vergleichende Untersuchung von aquatischen Habitaten in Regionen mit hoher und geringer Nutztierhaltungsdichte auf ausgewählte Zoonoseerreger und Erreger mit Multiresistenzen (MRE), Zoonosen-Retreat 2022 in Potsdam, 30.05. – 01.06-2022
Kobusch, I.; Linnemann, S.; Schollenbruch, H.; Hofmann, F.; Boelhauve, M. (2021): Variation in LA-MRSA status of fattening pigs in conventional and alternative housing systems - a subproject of the #1Health-PREVENT project. National Symposium on Zoonoses Research, Berlin, 13.-15.10.2021
Effelsberg, N.; Kobusch, I.; Linnemann S.; Mellmann S.; Boelhauve M.; Köck R.; Cuny C. (2021): Occurrence and zoonotic transmission of colistin-resistant and carbapenemase-producing Enterobacterales on German pig farms. National Symposium on Zoonoses Research, Berlin, 13.-15.10.2021
Linnemann S.; Kobusch, I.; Schollenbruch, H.; Boelhauve, M. (2021): Progression of LA-MRSA prevalence in two different pig fattening systems. National Symposium on Zoonoses Research, Berlin, 13.-15.10.2021
Kobusch, I., Müller, H., Linnemann, S., Boelhauve, M. (2020): Identification of housing condition factors influencing the occurrence of MRSA and ESBL in pigsties. 6th Joint Conference of DGHM & VAAM, 08.03.-11.03.2020, Leipzig
Linnemann, S., Müller, H., Kobusch, I., Effelsberg, N., Mellmann, A., Boelhauve, M. (2020): Decolonization of LA-MRSA positive fattening-pigs – Effects of straw bedding on conventional husbandry. 6th Joint Conference of DGHM & VAAM, 08.03.-11.03.2020, Leipzig
Linnemann, S.; Müller, H.; Kobusch, I.; Boelhauve, M. (2019): The occurrence of LA-MRSA and ESBL in different swine farming systems - a subproject of the #1Health-PREVENT project, National Symposium on Zoonoses Research. Berlin, 16.-18.10.2019
Müller, H.; Kobusch, I.; Linnemann, S.; Effelsberg, N.; Mellmann, A.; Boelhauve, M. (2019): Effects of straw bedding on conventional LA-MRSA positive pigs during fattening period, National Symposium on Zoonoses Research. Berlin, 16.-18.10.2019
Müller, H.; Linnemann, S.; Kobusch, I.; Boelhauve, M. (2019): #1HealthPREVENT – Interventionsstudie zur Reduzierung und Prävention von multiresistenten Keimen in schweinehaltenden Betrieben. Agrarforum. Soest, 11.01.2019
Kobusch, I.; Müller, H.; Mellmann, A.; Köck, R.; Boelhauve, M. (2018): Decontamination of a MRSA positive pig compartment under standard conditions, National Symposium on Zoonoses Research. Berlin, 17.-19.10.2018
Linnemann, S.; Kobusch, I.; Boelhauve, M. (2018): Effects of continuous fumigation and feed additive of Lactobacillus spp. on environmental bacteria in pig compartments. National Symposium on Zoonoses Research. Berlin, 17.-19.10.2018
Müller, H.; Kobusch, I.; Mellmann, A.; Köck, R.; Boelhauve, M. (2018): Decolonization of LA-MRSA positive fattening pigs in an alternative bedding environment. National Symposium on Zoonoses Research. Berlin, 17.-19.10.2018