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Prof. Dr. Thomas Schlösser

FB Ingenieur- und Wirtschaftswissenschaften | Meschede

 Campus Gebäude

Wirtschaftspsychologie mit Schwerpunkt Methoden


  • Wirtschaftspsychologie
  • Forschungsmethoden


  • Erklärung der Grundlagen und Mechanismen von Vertrauen; Vertrauen und Status
  • Individuelle Unterschiede in der Wahrnehmung von und Reaktion auf Ungerechtigkeit
  • Sozialer Kontext als Determinante normativer Rahmung
  • Systematischer Einfluss von Emotionen bei sozialen und nicht-sozialen Entscheidungen unter Risiko und Unsicherheit


  • Wintersemester 24/25:
    in Präsenz immer mittwochs 12:30-13:30 oder nach Vereinbarung per Email (auch online) - nicht am 23. & 30.10.24 sowie Feiertagen/Ferien.


Weitere Infos


Qualitative und Quantitative Forschungsmethoden

Einführung in die Wirtschaftspsychologie

Psychologie des Entscheidens

Social Influence

Advanced Research Methods (MA)

Organizational Behavior (MA)

Experimental Designs (MA)



2014: Habilitation, Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaftliche Fakultät Universität zu Köln

2009: Promotion (Dr. rer. pol.), Wirtschafts- und Sozialpsychologie, Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaftliche Fakultät Universität zu Köln

2007-2021: wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter am Institut für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie, Lehrstuhl Wirtschafts- und Sozialpsychologie, Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaftliche Fakultät Universität zu Köln

2002-2009: (wissenschaftlicher) Mitarbeiter am Leibniz-Institut für Sozialwissenschaften (GESIS), Köln

Jan. ’16 & Nov. ’17 & Dez. ’19: Visiting Researcher am Department of Psychology und dem Institute for Social Research (ISR, hier am Research Center for Group Dynamics - RCGD), University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, USA

Feb. ’08 – Juli’ 14: Jährliche Forschungsaufenthalte am Department of Psychology, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York, USA

Veröffentlichungen (peer-reviewed)

Google Scholar

Siuda, S., Schlösser, T., Fetchenhauer, D. (2022). Do We Know Whom to Trust? A Review on Trustworthiness Detection Accuracy. International Review of Social Psychology, 35(1), p.20.DOI: https://doi.org/10.5334/irsp.623

Baumert, A., Schlösser, T., Beierlein, C., Liebig, S., Rammstedt, B., Schmitt, M. (2022). SOEP-IS 2014-Proposal to include justice sensitivity short scales. SOEP Survey Papers (1098).

Ziller, C., Schlösser, T., Schück, K., Partos, K. (2022). Local ties that bind: The role of perceived neighborhood cohesion and disorder for immigrants’ national identification. Social Science Research. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ssresearch.2022.102803

Dahlhaus C., Schlösser, T. (2021). The Interplay of Social Status and Trust: A Critical Review of Concepts, Operationalizations and Findings. Review of General Psychology, 25(2), 203-220.

Dunning, D., Fetchenhauer, D., Schlösser, T. (2020). Obligation at Zero Acquaintance. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 43, E69. doi: 10.1017/S0140525X19002498. (Comment on The moral psychology of obligation by M. Tomasello)

Fetchenhauer, D., Lang, A., Ehlebracht, D., Schlösser, T., Dunning, D. (2020) Does betrayal aversion really guide trust decisions toward strangers? Journal of Behavioral Decision Making, 33(4), 556-566. doi: 10.1002/bdm.2166

Schlösser, T., Steiniger, T., Ehlebracht, D., Fetchenhauer, D. (2020). The effect of democratically determined (in)equality on cooperative behavior. Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie, 2020/3, 33-54. doi: 10.1007/s11577-020-00662-7.

Dunning, D., Fetchenhauer, D., Schlösser, T. (2019). Why People Trust: Solved Puzzles and Open Mysteries. Current Directions in Psychological Science, 28(4), 366-371.

Pöhls, K., Fetchenhauer, D., Schlösser, T. (online first). Non-Religious Identities and Life Satisfaction: Questioning the Universality of a Linear Link between Religiosity and Well-Being. Journal of Happiness Studies. * DOI: 10.1007/s10902-019-00175-x.

Schlösser, T., Berger, L., Fetchenhauer, D. (2018). Justice sensitivity and cooperation dynamics in repeated public good games. Social Justice Research, 31(1), 1-22.

Schlösser, T., Steiniger, T., Fetchenhauer, D., Ehlebracht, D. (2018). How justice sensitivity predicts equality preferences in simulated democratic systems. Journal of Research in Personality, 73C, 75-81.

Dunning, D., Fetchenhauer, D., Schlösser, T. (2017). The Varying Roles Played by Emotion in Economic Decision Making. Current Opinion in Behavioral Sciences, 15, 33-38.

Rompf, S., Kroneberg, C., Schlösser, T. (2017). Institutional Trust and the Provision of Public Goods: Do individual costs even matter? The Case of Recycling. Rationality and Society, 29(2), 160-178.

Rothmund, T., Stavrova, O., Schlösser, T. (2017). Justice Concerns can feed Nationalistic Concerns and impede Solidarity in the Euro Crisis – How Victim Sensitivity translates into Political Attitudes. Social Justice Research, 30(1), 48-71.

Schlösser, T., Fetchenhauer, D., Dunning, D. (2016). Trust Against all Odds? Emotional Dynamics of Trust Behavior. Decision, 3(3), 216-230.

Stavrova, O., Köneke, V., Schlösser, T. (2016). Overfulfilling the norm: The better-than-average effect in judgments of attitudes. Social Psychology, 47(5), 288–293. (all authors contributed equally)

Schlösser, T., Mensching, O., Dunning, D., Fetchenhauer, D. (2015). Trust and Rationality: Shifting Normative Analyses in Risks Involving Other People Versus Nature. Social Cognition, 33, 459-482.

Stavrova, O., Schlösser, T. (2015). Solidarity and social justice: Effect of individual differences in justice sensitivity on solidary behavior. European Journal of Personality, 29(1), 2-16.

Steiniger, T., Fetchenhauer, D., Schlösser, T. (2015). It’s a shame, but I’m not to blame: Perceived justice and emotions in (un)equal compensation systems. Wirtschaftspsychologie, 2015(4), 71-82.

Baumert, A., Schlösser, T., Schmitt, M. (2014). Economic Games: A Performance-based Assessment of Fairness and Altruism. European Journal of Psychological Assessment, 30, 178-192.

Dunning, D., Anderson, J. E., Schlösser, T., Ehlebracht, D., & Fetchenhauer, D. (2014). Trust at zero acquaintance: More a Matter of Respect Than Expectation of Reward. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 107(1), 122-141.

Schlösser, T. (2014). Theoretical Developments and Applications of the Social Resource Theory - a Review of Törnblom & Kazemi (2012). Social Justice Research, 02/14, 271- 282.

Stavrova, O., Schlösser, T., Baumert, A. (2014). Life satisfaction and job search behavior of the unemployed: the effect of individual differences in justice sensitivity. Applied Psychology: An International Review, 63(4), 643-670.

Lotz, S., Schlösser, T., Cain, D., Fetchenhauer, D. (2013). The Instability of Social Preferences: Using Justice Sensitivity When Altruism Collapses. Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 93, 141-148.

Schlösser, T., Dunning, D., Johnson, K., Kruger J. (2013). How Unaware are the Unskilled? Empirical Tests of the “Signal Extraction” Counterexplanation for the Dunning-Kruger Effect in Self-Evaluation of Performance. Journal of Economic Psychology, 39, 85-100.

Schlösser, T., Dunning, D., Fetchenhauer, D. (2013). What a Feeling: The Role of Immediate and Anticipated Emotions in Risky Decisions. Journal of Behavioral Decision Making, 26(1), 13-30.

Stavrova, O., Schlösser, T., Fetchenhauer, D. (2013). Are virtuous people happy all around the world? Civic virtue, antisocial punishment, and subjective well-being across cultures. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 39(7), 927-942.

Stavrova, O., Fetchenhauer, D., Schlösser, T. (2013). Why are religious people happy? The effect of the social norm of religiosity across countries. Social Science Research, 42(1), 90-105.

Dunning, D., Fetchenhauer, D., Schlösser, T. (2012). Trust as a Social and Emotional Act: Noneconomic Considerations in Trust Behavior. Journal of Economic Psychology, 33(3), 686-694.

Fetchenhauer, D., Sauerbrey, J., Schlösser, T. (2012). Trying to connect or to conquer? Gender differences in cooperation. Wirtschaftspsychologie, 14(2), 45-56.

Stavrova, O., Fetchenhauer, D., Schlösser, T. (2012). Cohabitation, gender, and happiness: A cross-cultural study in 30 countries. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 43(7), 1063-1081.

Lotz, S., Okimoto, T. G., Schlösser, T., Fetchenhauer, D. (2011). Punitive versus compensatory reactions to injustice: Emotional antecedents to third-party interventions. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 47(2), 477-480.

Lotz, S., Baumert, A., Schlösser, T., Gresser, F., Fetchenhauer, D. (2011). Individual differences in third-party interventions: How justice sensitivity and moral emotions shape altruistic punishment. Negotiation and Conflict Management Research, 4(4), 297-313.

Stavrova, O., Schlösser, T., Fetchenhauer, D. (2011). Are the unemployed equally unhappy all around the world? The role of the social norms to work and welfare state provision in 28 OECD countries. Journal of Economic Psychology, 32(1), 159-171.

Schmitt, M., Baumert, A., Fetchenhauer, D., Gollwitzer, M., Rothmund, Schlösser, T. (2009). Sensibilität für Ungerechtigkeit. Psychologische Rundschau, 60(1), 8-22.

Andere Veröffentlichungen

Fetchenhauer, D., Dunning, D., Schlösser, T. (2017). The Mysteries of Trust: Trusting Too Little and Too Much at the Same Time. In P. van Lange, B. Rockenbach, T. Yamagishi (Eds.), Trust in social dilemmas. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press.

Dunning, D., Fetchenhauer, D., Schlösser, T. (2016). The Psychology of Respect: A Case Study of How Behavioral Norms Influence the Regulation of Human Behavior. In A. Elliot (Ed.), Advances in motivation science (Vol. 3). New York, USA: Elsevier.

Gollwitzer, M., Lotz, S., Schlösser, T., Streicher, B., (2013). Gerechtigkeit in sozialen Systemen: ein Resümee. In M. Gollwitzer, S. Lotz, T. Schlösser, B. Streicher (Hrsg.), Soziale Gerechtigkeit - Was unsere Gesellschaft aus den Erkenntnissen der Gerechtigkeitspsychologie lernen kann [Social Justice – What our society can learn from the insights of the psychology of justice]. Göttingen: Hogrefe.

Lotz, S., Gollwitzer, M., Streicher, B., Schlösser, T. (2013). Gerechtigkeit als Forschungs-gegenstand. In M. Gollwitzer, S. Lotz, T. Schlösser, B. Streicher (Hrsg.), Soziale Gerechtigkeit - Was unsere Gesellschaft aus den Erkenntnissen der Gerechtigkeitspsychologie lernen kann [Social Justice – What our society can learn from the insights of the psychology of justice]. Göttingen: Hogrefe.

Schlösser, T. (2013). Gerechtigkeitsaspekte des wirtschaftlichen Handelns auf mikroökonomischer Ebene. [Aspects of Justice of Economic Behavior on the Microeconomic Level.] In M. Gollwitzer, S. Lotz, T. Schlösser, B. Streicher (Hrsg.), Soziale Gerechtigkeit - Was unsere Gesellschaft aus den Erkenntnissen der Gerechtigkeitspsychologie lernen kann [Social Justice – What our society can learn from the insights of the psychology of justice]. Göttingen: Hogrefe.

Gollwitzer, M., Fetchenhauer, D., Baumert, A., Schlösser, T. & Schmitt, M. (2009). Soziale Gerechtigkeit. [Social Justice] In N. Goldschmidt & H. G. Nutzinger (Hrsg.), Vom homo oeconomicus zum homo culturalis - Handlung und Verhalten in der Ökonomie (Kulturelle Ökonomik, Band 8; S. 175-195). Münster: Lit.

Fetchenhauer, D., Dunning, D., Schlösser, T., Gresser, F. & Haferkamp, A. (2008). Vertrauen gegenüber Fremden – Befunde aus dem spieltheoretischen Labor und dem echten Leben. [Trusting Strangers – Findings from the game-theoretic laboratory and the real live.] In E. Rohmann, M. J. Herner, D. Fetchenhauer (Hrsg.), Sozialpsychologische Beiträge zur Positiven Psychologie. Lengerich: Pabst.


Schlösser, T. (9.12.2024). Ungerechtigkeitssensibilität und soziales Handeln: Person x Situation-Interaktionsanalysen. Ringvorlesung im Rahmen der Abteilung Unternehmen und Märkte des PK-NRW.

Dahlhaus, C., Schlösser, T., Fetchenhauer, D., Dunning, D. (30.10.2024). Emotional reactions to untrustworthiness and withheld trust dependent on relative performance-based status within teams. PRO-VE 2024, Albi, France. This research talk was accepted based on a short version of the respective research paper but not held due to illness of both presenting authors.

Dahlhaus, C., Schlösser, T., Fetchenhauer, D. (2023). Trust violations, trust repair and social status. 19th Conference of the International Society for Justice Research (ISJR), Munich, Germany. This research talk was accepted but not presented due to clash of appointments.

Hülle, S., Schlösser, T. (10. March 2022). How justice sensitivity influences the perceived injustice of others’ earnings. 3rd meeting of the German Political Psychology Network, Chemnitz.

Schlösser, T., Hülle, S. (9. July 2021). The role of Justice Sensitivity in explaining preferences for Principles of Distributive Justice. 18th Conference of the International Society for Justice Research (ISJR), Lisbon, Portugal.

Hülle, S., Schlösser, T. (9. July 2021). How justice sensitivity influences the perceived injustice of others’ earnings and how it interacts with own earnings. 18th Conference of the International Society for Justice Research (ISJR), Lisbon, Portugal.

Fetchenhauer, D., Siuda, S., Schlösser, T. (4. December 2019). Do we know whom we can trust? The psychology of trustworthiness detection. Social area brown bag talk, Institute for Social Research, Department of Psychology, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, USA. (invited)

Schlösser, T. (11. October 2019). Why we trust? The role of social status. Research colloquium of the Department of Psychology, Tilburg University. (invited)

Schlösser, T., Dahlhaus, C., Fetchenhauer, D. (17. September 2019). The interaction of group members’ social status with trust, trustworthiness and the respective expectations. 17. Fachtagung der Fachgruppe Sozialpsychologie (FGSP), Cologne, Germany. (as part of a symposium on „trust“, initiated by myself).

Schlösser, T., Dahlhaus, C., Fetchenhauer, D. (21. August 2019). “He that has plenty of goods shall have more.”? The interaction of group members’ social status with trust, trustworthiness and expectations. 27. Subjective Probability, Utility, and Decision Making Conference (SPUDM 27), 18.-22.08.19, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.

Schlösser, T. (27. June 2019). Introduction to the workshop “(De-)contextualizing the analysis of trust – a discussion about the conditions of social trust”. 27. & 28.06.19, Cologne, Germany.

Fetchenhauer, D., Ehlebracht, D., Lang. A., Schlösser, T., Dunning, D. (8. March 2019). The Relationship between Interpersonal Trust and Non-Social Risky Decisions: Experimental Evidence. International Convention of Psychological Science (ICPS), 7.-9.03.19, Paris, France.

Schlösser, T., Dahlhaus, C., Fetchenhauer, D. (20. September 2018). “He that has plenty of goods shall have more.”? The interaction of group members’ social status with their actual trust, actual trustworthiness and the respective expectations. 51. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie (DGPs), 17.-20.09.18, Frankfurt.

Schlösser, T., (13. September 2018). When justice does (not) matter – How justice sensitivity predicts (in)equality preferences and choice in various social dilemmas. LINOS-2 Conference. German Institute for Economic Research, DIW Berlin, Berlin.

Schlösser, T., Dahlhaus, C., Fetchenhauer, D. (24. August 2018). “He that has plenty of goods shall have more.”? The connections between a group members’ social status, behavioral trust and trustworthiness, and the respective expectations. TIBER 2018 Symposium on Psychology and Economics, 24. August 2018, University of Tilburg, The Netherlands.

Schlösser, T., Dahlhaus, C., Fetchenhauer, D. (25. Juli 2018). “He that has plenty of goods shall have more.”? The interaction of group members’ social status with their actual trust, actual trustworthiness and the respective expectations. 17th Conference of the International Society for Justice Research (ISJR), 25.-28. Juli 2018, Atlanta, Georgia, USA.

Schlösser, T., Dahlhaus, C., Fetchenhauer, D. (20. Juli 2018). “He that has plenty of goods shall have more.”? The interaction of group members’ social status with their actual trust, actual trustworthiness and the respective expectations. IAREP/SABE 2018 Conference, London, UK.

Dunning, D., Fetchenhauer, D., Schlösser, T. (9. Juli 2018). Why People Trust: Evidence from Economic Games. Cologne Social Cognition Meeting 2018. Universität of Cologne.

Fetchenhauer, D., Schlösser, T., Dunning, D. (9. Juli 2018). Betrayal Aversion or principled Trustfulness - old questions and new empirical evidence. Cologne Social Cognition Meeting 2018. Universität of Cologne.

Schlösser, T. (22. November 2017). Trust and Status. ISS Research Seminar. Universität zu Köln, (auf Einladung)

Schlösser, T., Steiniger, T., Fetchenhauer, D. (6. September 2017). Für welche Wähler spielt ihr gesellschaftlicher Rang (k)eine Rolle? Wie Ungerechtigkeitssensibilität und die Präferenz für Gleichverteilung von Wohlstand in simulierten demokratischen Gesellschaften zusammenhängen. 13. Arbeitstagung der Fachgruppe Differentielle Psychologie, Persönlichkeitspsychologie und Psychologische Diagnostik (DPPD), Munich, Germany.

Schlösser, T., Steiniger, T., Fetchenhauer, D. (5. September 2017). Wann Gerechtigkeit (k)eine Rolle spielt – Zum Zusammenhang von Ungerechtigkeitssensibilität und der Präferenz für Gleichverteilung in simulierten demokratischen Gesellschaften. 16. Fachtagung der Fachgruppe Sozialpsychologie (FGSP), Ulm, Germany.

Schlösser, T., Steiniger, T., Fetchenhauer, D. (23. June 2017). When justice does (not) matter – How justice sensitivity predicts (in)equality preferences in simulated democratic systems. 17th International Conference on Social Dilemmas (ICSD), Sicily, Italy.

Schlösser, T. (23. February 2017). Why do people trust? Experimental investigations of an apparently simple question. The Economic and Social Research Institute (ESRI), Dublin, Ireland.

Schlösser, T. (10. October 2016). Why do people trust? A discussion of rational and other accounts of interpersonal trust. Colloquium at the Department of Psychology at the UMIT (University for Health Sciences, Medical Informatics and Technology), Hall in Tirol, Austria; Invited by Prof. Bernhard Streicher.

Schlösser, T., Steiniger, T., Fetchenhauer, D. (19. September 2016). Wann Gerechtigkeit (k)eine Rolle spielt – Wie Ungerechtigkeitssensibilität und die Präferenz für Gleichverteilung in simulierten demokratischen Gesellschaften zusammenhängen. 50. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie (DGPs), 18.-22. September 2016, Leipzig.

Schlösser, T., Steiniger, T., Fetchenhauer, D. (23. July 2016). When justice does (not) matter – How justice sensitivity predicts (in)equality preferences in simulated democratic systems. 16th Conference of the International Society for Justice Research (ISJR), 20.-23. Juli 2016, Canterbury, UK.

Schlösser, T., Stavrova, O., Ehlebracht, D. (23. March 2016). Justice Sensitivity predicts cognitive, emotional and behavioral reactions to injustice driven by other’s moral hypocrisy. 58. Treffen der experimentell arbeitenden Psychologen (TeaP) [58th Conference of Experimental Psychologists], Heidelberg.

Schlösser, T. (10. January 2016). Why do people trust? A critique on rational accounts of interpersonal trust. Research Colloquium of GESIS, Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences, Cologne.

Ehlebracht, D., Schlösser, T., Stavrova, O,. Fetchenhauer, D., (21. September 2015). Gut und naiv oder böse und gewieft? Zur sozialen Wahrnehmung vertrauensvoller und misstrauischer Personen. 13. Arbeitstagung der Fachgruppe Differentielle Psychologie, Persönlichkeitspsychologie und Psychologische Diagnostik (21.9.-23.9.15), Mainz.

Schlösser, T., (21. September 2015). Diskussion der Beiträge zur Arbeitsgruppe „Vertrauen und Vertrauenswürdigkeit“ (I. Thielmann & B. Hilbig). 13. Arbeitstagung der Fachgruppe Differentielle Psychologie, Persönlichkeitspsychologie und Psychologische Diagnostik (21.9.-23.9.15), Mainz.

Ehlebracht, D., Schlösser, T., Fetchenhauer, D. (8. September 2015). Vertrauen aus Prinzip – Betrügen aus Gelegenheit? Der Einfluß von Öffentlichkeit auf Entscheidungen im Trust Game. 15. Fachtagung der Fachgruppe Sozialpsychologie (FGSP), Potsdam

Schlösser, T., Baumert, A., Maltese, S., Schmitt, M. (8. September 2015). Experimentelle Spiele als objektive Persönlichkeitstests - Stabilität, Reliabilität, Validität. 15. Fachtagung der Fachgruppe Sozialpsychologie (FGSP), Potsdam.

Schlösser, T., Baumert, A., Maltese, S., Schmitt, M. (19. August 2015). Utilize experimental games as objective personality measures – stability, reliability, validity. 25th Subjective Probability, Utility and Decision Making Conference of the European Association for Decision Making (SPUDM25, 16.-20.8.15), Budapest.

Maltese, S., Baumert, A., Schlösser, T., Schmitt, M. (24. July 2015). Economic games as objective personality measures – validation in a longitudinal design. 13th Conference on Psychological Assessment, Zürich, Schweiz.

Anderson, J. E., Dunning, D., Fetchenhauer, D., & Schlösser, T. (24th November 2014). The ties that bind (strangers): A minimal relationship is a necessary condition for “irrational” trust. Annual meeting of the Society for Judgment and Decision Making. Long Beach, California, USA.

Schlösser, T. (12th November 2014). Entgegen allen Erwartungen? Eine Diskussion erwartungs-basierter und anderer (rationaler) Erklärungsansätze interpersonalen Vertrauens. Kolloquium des Fachbereichs Psychologie, Phillips-Universität Marburg.

Schlösser. T., Stavrova, O. (23rd September 2014). Ungerechtigkeitssensibilität und Verhalten im Solidaritäts-Spiel - wer gibt, wer nimmt, und wer kümmert sich nicht? 49th Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie, Bochum, September, 21st - 25th: Arbeitsgruppe „Persönlichkeit und prosoziales Verhalten in verhaltensökonomischen Spielen“ (B. Hilbig/I. Thielmann).

Schlösser, T., Dunning, D., Fetchenhauer, D. (17th August 2014). Trust against all odds? Emotional dynamics in trust behavior. 109th American Sociological Association Annual Meeting, San Francisco, August, 16th-19th: Section on Sociology of Emotions, Paper Session: New Directions in the Sociology of Emotion.

Schlösser, T., Stavrova, O. (22nd June 2014). Justice Sensitivity predicts cognitive, emotional and behavioral reactions to injustice driven by other’s moral hypocrisy. 15th Conference of International Society of Justice Research, New York, June, 19th-22nd.

Stavrova, O., Rothmund, T., Schlösser, T., (22nd June 2014). Justice sensitivity and the process of socio-political attitude formation: The case of the European financial crisis. 15th Conference of International Society of Justice Research, New York, June, 19th-22nd.

Steiniger, T., Fetchenhauer, D., Schlösser, T. (21st June 2014). It’s not my fault: Perceived justice and emotions in two different compensation systems. 15th Conference of International Society of Justice Research, New York, June, 19th-22nd.

Schlösser, T. (23rd April 2014). Mechanik des interpersonalen Vertrauens? Eine Kritik rationaler Erklärungsansätze. Forschungskolloquium der quantitativen Sozialforschung von S. Pointner & J. Brüderl, LMU, München. (invited talk)

Anderson, J. E., Dunning, D., Fetchenhauer, D., & Schlösser, T. (15th February 2014). Trust among strangers: The cognitive-behavioral disconnect. 15th Annual meeting of The Society for Personality and Social Psychology. Austin, Texas, USA.

Schlösser, T. (27th November 2013). Why do people trust? Rational and emotional accounts of interpersonal trust. Seminar of the Center for Economics and Neuroscience, Bonn, Germany (invited talk).

Dunning, D., Anderson, J. E., Fetchenhauer, D., & Schlösser, T. (27th September 2013). Understanding human motivations: Challenges and intrigues. Annual meeting of the Society of Experimental Social Psychology, Berkeley, CA, USA.

Dunning, D., Fetchenhauer, D., Schlösser, T., Anderson, J. E., & Ehlebracht, D. (26th September 2013). The enigma of trust at zero acquaintance. Attraction and Relationships preconference of the annual meeting of the Society of Experimental Social Psychology, Berkeley, CA, USA.

Schlösser, T., Ehlebracht, D., Dunning, D., Fetchenhauer, D. (3rd September 2013). Warum schenken Menschen anderen Menschen ihr Vertrauen? Rationale Erklärungsversuche und soziale Normen. [Why do people trust? Attempted rational explanations and social norms.] 14. Tagung der Fachgruppe für Sozialpsychologie der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie, 2013, Fernuniversität Hagen, Germany.

Stavrova, O., Köneke, V., Schlösser, T., (2nd September 2013). More liberal than thou: The better-than-average effect in comparative judgments of attitudes. 14. Tagung der Fachgruppe für Sozialpsychologie der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie, 2013, Fernuniversität Hagen, Germany.

Schlösser, T., Stavrova, O. (22th August 2013). Predicting Behavior in a Solidarity Game by Justice Sensitivity – Who Cares to Share and Who Doesn’t? 24th Subjective Probability, Utility, and Decision Making Conference (SPUDM24), August, 18.-22., 2013, IESE Business School - University of Navarra in Barcelona, Spain.

Schlösser, T., Stavrova, O. (16th August 2013). Predicting Behavior in a Solidarity Game by Justice Sensitivity – Who Cares to Share and Who Doesn’t? 12th TIBER Symposium on Psychology and Economics, 16th August 2013, Tilburg, The Netherlands.

Schmitt, M., Baumert, A., Schlösser, T. (20th July 2013). Experimental Games – Performance-based Assessment of Fairness and Altruism. 12th European Conference on Psychological Assessment, University of the Basque Country, San Sebastian, Spain.

Schlösser, T., Stavrova, O. (12th July 2013). Predicting Behavior in a Solidarity Game by Justice Sensitivity – Who Cares to Share and Who Doesn’t? 15th International Conference on Social Dilemmas (ICSD), ETH Zürich, Switzerland.

Schlösser, T., Fetchenhauer, D. (15th May 2013) Warum vertrauen? Eine Kritik rationaler Erklärungsansätze interpersonalen Vertrauens. [Why trust? A critique on rational accounts of interpersonal trust]. Colloqium of the Institute of Sociology and Social Psychology, University of Cologne, Germany.

Anderson, J. E., Dunning, D., Fetchenhauer, D., Schlösser, T. (10th May 2013). Trusting without trust: Norms, not expectations, drive behavior in an economic paradigm. 9th Annual Southern Ontario Behavioral Decision Research Conference (SOBDR), Waterloo, ON, Canada.

Dunning, D.; Schlösser, T.; Fetchenhauer, D. (19th January 2013). Trust driven by social norms and not expectations. 14th Annual Meeting of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology, New Orleans, USA.

Schlösser, T. (17th December 2012). Deskriptive Entscheidungstheorie [Descriptive Theory of Decision-making]. Invited talk as an integrative contribution to the seminar “Theories of Rational Decision-Making” by Dr. Karsten Witt, Research Center “Ethics”, Institute for the History and Ethics of Medicine, University Clinic Cologne.

Schlösser, T. (19th September 2012). Why Do People Trust? Ruling out some Rational Accounts of Interpersonal Trust. Invited talk at the RWI (Rheinisch-westfälisches Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung), Essen, Germany.

Schlösser, T., Stavrova, O. (10th -12th September 2012). Predicting Solidarity by Justice Sensitivity – who cares to share, and who doesn’t?. 14th Biennial Conference of the International Society for Justice Research (ISJR), Tel Aviv, Israel.

Stavrova, O., Schlösser, T. (10th -12th September 2012). Who says Germany is responsible for the eurozone crisis? Justice Sensitivity, media exposure and socio-political attitudes. 14th Biennial Conference of the International Society for Justice Research (ISJR), Tel Aviv, Israel.

Stavrova, O., Schlösser, T. (10th -12th September 2012). Life satisfaction and job search behavior of the unemployed: the effect of individual differences in justice sensitivity. 14th Biennial Conference of the International Society for Justice Research (ISJR), Tel Aviv, Israel.

Stavrova, O., Schlösser, T., & Fetchenhauer, D. (26th -28th January 2012). Conformity in the context of complex moral issues: Effect on emotions and altruistic behavior. The 13th Annual Meeting of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology (SPSP), San Diego, USA.

Stavrova, O., Fetchenhauer, D., & Schlösser, T. (18th -21st September 2011). Why are religious people happy? A social norms explanation. 13th conference of the Social Psychology Group of the German Psychological Organization, Hamburg, Germany.

Stavrova, O., Fetchenhauer, D., & Schlösser, T. (8th -10th September 2011). Why are religious people happy? A social norms explanation. Final conference of the EUROCORES (European Science Foundation) “Cross-National and Multi-Level Analysis of Human Values, Institutions and Behaviours (HumVIB)”, Berlin, Germany.

Stavrova, O., Fetchenhauer, D., & Schlösser, T. (18th -22nd July 2011). Why are religious people happy? A social norms explanation. Annual Conference of the European Social Research Association (ESRA), Lausanne, Switzerland.

Schlösser, T., Lotz, S., Fetchenhauer, D. (14. July 2011). Paid well – but the system stinks!
Perceived Fairness in Real-Effort Tasks as a Function of Equitability. IAREP/SABE/ICABEEP 2011 Conference, Exeter, Great Britain.

Fetchenhauer, D.; Dunning, D., Schlösser, T., Mensching, O. (9. July 2011). What you always knew about trust, but that isn’t so. 14th International Conference on Social Dilemmas, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.

Stavrova, O., Fetchenhauer, D., & Schlösser, T. (6th -8th April 2011). Cohabitation, gender, and happiness: A cross-cultural study in 30 countries. BSA Annual Conference 2011, London, UK.

Lotz, S., Schlösser, T., Fetchenhauer, D. (6. September 2010). What you don't know won't hurt you, but me! The stabilizing effect of justice sensitivity on allocation decisions. IAREP/SABE/ICABEEP 2010 Conference, Cologne, Germany.

Schlösser, T., Mensching, O., Fetchenhauer, D., Dunning, D. (6. September 2010). Is trust driven by efficiency? – Effects of mutual gains on the decision to trust. IAREP/SABE/ICABEEP 2010 Conference, Cologne, Germany. (inviting working group chair)

Stavrova, O., Schlösser, T., Fetchenhauer, D. (6. September 2010). Are the unemployed equally unhappy all around the world? The role of social work norm and welfare state provision in 26 OECD countries. IAREP/SABE/ICABEEP 2010 Conference, Cologne, Germany.

Schlösser, T., Lotz, S., Fetchenhauer, D. (24. August 2010). Who gives and who takes? The effect of Justice Sensitivity in public good games. 13th Biennial Conference of ISJR, Banff, Canada.

Lotz, S., Schlösser, T., Fetchenhauer, D. (24. August 2010). Victim-Awareness in Altruistic Intervention Games – The Effect of Justice Sensitivity on Willingness to Interfere. 13th Biennial Conference of ISJR, Banff, Canada.

Lotz, S., Schlösser, T., Cain, D. M., & Fetchenhauer, D. (August 2010). Justice sensitivity in dictator game variations. 47th congress of the German Society of Psychology, Bremen, Germany.

Lotz, S., Baumert, A., Fetchenhauer, D., Gresser, F., Schlösser, T. (2010). Justice Sensitivity, Moral Emotions, and Altruistic Punishment. IACM 23rd Annual Conference Paper, Boston, MA, USA.

Schlösser, T., Fetchenhauer, D. (18. May 2010). The pleasure without the pain? Justice Sensitivity and Social Value Orientation as predictors of moral hypocrisy. (alternative title: “The Good, the Bad, disgusting juices and some music!”). Department of Psychology, Cornell University, Ithaca, USA. Invited talk.

Schlösser, T., Lotz, S., Fetchenhauer, D. (30. September 2009) Genuß ohne Reue? Der Zusammenhang von Ungerechtigkeitssensibilität und Social Value Orientations mit moralischer Hypokrisie [The effect of justice Sensitivity vs. social Value orientations on moral hypocrisy]. 10. Arbeitstagung der Fachgruppe für Differentielle Psychologie, Persönlichkeitspsychologie und Psychologische Diagnostik, Landau. [German Society for Psychology – Individual Differences, Landau, Germany.]

Lotz, S. Schlösser, T., & Fetchenhauer, D. (30. September 2009). Ungerechtigkeitssensibilität und Spendenverhalten [Justice Sensitivity and charitable giving]. 10. Fachtagung der Fachgruppe für Differentielle Psychologie, Persönlichkeitspsychologie und Psychologische Diagnostik der Deutschen Gesellschafft für Psychologie, Landau. [German Society for Psychology – Individual Differences, Landau, Germany.]

Schlösser, T., Dunning, D., Fetchenhauer, D. (4. September 2009). Emotions as Guides to choice in the Ellsberg-Paradox. 8th Tilburg Symposium on Psychology and Economics, Tilburg, The Netherlands.

Schlösser, T, Fetchenhauer, D. (2. September 2009). Der Einfluss von Ungerechtigkeits-sensibilität und ökonomischer Expertise auf die Bewertung von Wirtschafts- und Sozialreformen [The effect of Justice Sensitivity and economic expertise on the evaluation of economic and social political measures]. 12. Tagung der Fachgruppe Sozial-Psychologie der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie, Luxembourg. Accepted symposium (together with Anna Baumert). [German Society for Psychology – Social Psychology, Luxembourg.]

Lotz, S., Christandl, F., Hoffmann, M. , Stukenberg, S., Schlösser, T., & Fetchenhauer, D. ( September 2009). Der Geschmack von Fairness: Ungerechtigkeitssensibilität und Labellingeffekte im Bereich Fair Trade [The effect of Justice Sensitivity on Labelling-Effects with Fair Trade Products]. 12. Tagung der Fachgruppe Sozialpsychologie der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Psychologie, Luxembourg. [German Society for Psychology – Social Psychology, Luxembourg.]

Lotz, S., Schlösser, T., & Fetchenhauer, D. (September 2009). Der Einfluss von Ungerechtigkeitssensibilität und ökonomischer Expertise auf die Bewertung von Wirtschafts- und Sozialreformen [The effect of Justice Sensitivity and economic expertise on the evaluation of economic and social political measures]. Fachtagung Arbeits- Organisations- und Wirtschaftspsychologie. Deutsche Gesellschaft für Psychologie, 9.-11. September 2009, Wien, Österreich. [German Society for Psychology - Work, Organizational, and Economic Psychology, Vienna, Austria]

Schlösser, T., Dunning, D., Fetchenhauer, D. (28. August 2009). What a Feeling? Emotions in Risky Decisions. SPUDM22 (Subjective Probability, Utility, Decision Making) conference of the European Association of Decision Making (EADM), Rovereto, Italia.

Lotz, S., Schlösser, T., & Fetchenhauer, D. (July 2009). Justice Sensitivity and the Judgment of Economic and Social Policy. IAREP/SABE World Meeting, 7.-11.7.2009 Halifax, NS, Canada.

Schlösser, T., Fetchenhauer, D., Dunning, D. (27. October 2008). Anticipatory Emotions as Guides to Choice. The role of emotions when choosing between ambiguous and risky options. Department of Psychology, Cornell University, Ithaca, USA. Invited talk.

Schlösser, T., Fetchenhauer, D., Dunning, D. (5. September 2008). Anticipatory Emotions as Guides to Choice. The role of emotions when choosing risky options. International Conference of the International Association for Research in Economic Psychology (IAREP), Rome, Italia.

Schlösser, T., Fetchenhauer, D. (16. August 2008). The pleasure without the pain? Justice Sensitivity and Social Value Orientation as predictors of moral hypocrisy. International Congress of the International Society for Justice Research (ISJR), Adelaide, Australia.

Fetchenhauer, D., Haferkamp, A. & Schlösser, T. (5. September 2008). Justice sensitivity in a random population sample and samples of teachers, economists and journalists. International Congress of the International Society for Justice Research (ISJR), Adelaide, Australia.

Schlösser, T., Fetchenhauer, D. (24. Juli 2008). In search for the good guys and the bad guys – Justice Sensitivity and pro-social vs. anti-social behavior. International Congress of Psychology (ICP), Berlin.

Schlösser, T., Fetchenhauer, D., Dunning, D. (17. April 2008). Antizipatorische Emotionen als Entscheidungshelfer. Die Rolle von Emotionen bei Risiko-Entscheidungen [The role of emotions in risky decisions]. Workshop “decisions and intuition” at the Max Planck Institute for Research on Collective Goods, Bonn, Germany. Host: Andreas Glöckner. Invited talk.

Schlösser, T., Fetchenhauer, D., Dunning, D. (25. February 2008). Anticipatory Emotions as Guides to Choice. The role of emotions when choosing risky options. Department of Psychology, Cornell University, Ithaca, USA. Invited talk.

Schlösser, T., Fetchenhauer, D. (17. September 2007). Von guten Menschen und Pharisäern -Ungerechtigkeitssensibilität und prosoziales versus antisoziales Verhalten. 11. Tagung der Fachgruppe Sozialpsychologie, Freiburg im Breisgau, Germany. [German Society for Psychology – Social Psychology]

Schlösser, T., Fetchenhauer, D. (31. August 2007). In search for the good guys and the bad guys – Justice Sensitivity and pro-social vs. anti-social behavior. 6th Tilburg Symposium on Psychology and Economics: Games and Decisions, Tilburg, The Netherlands.

Schlösser, T., Fetchenhauer, D., & Dunning, D. (29. September 2006). Against all odds? Anticipated and anticipatory emotions and decisions to trust. 5th Tilburg Symposium on Psychology and Economics: Games and Decisions, Tilburg, The Netherlands.


Deutsche Gesellschaft für Psychologie (DGPs)

Deutsche Gesellschaft für Soziologie (DGS)

Adademie für Soziologie (AS)

Executive Secretary der International Society for Justice Research (ISJR)

Affiliate des Self and Social Insight (SaSI) Laboratory, Department of Psychology, LSA, University of Michigan

Mitglied des Editorial Boards des Journal of Behavioral Decision Making

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Journal of Behavioral Decision Making (Editorial Board member)
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Journal of Personality and Social Psychology
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