Prof. Dr. Michaela Schmitz
FB Agrarwirtschaft Soest
- Anorganische und organische Chemie: Vorlesung, Übung und Praktikum, Semester 1
- Lebensmittelanalytik: Vorlesung, Praktikum, Exkursionen, Semester 2
- Umweltanalytik (anteilig): Vorlesung, Exkursionen, Semester 3
- Produktqualität pflanzlicher Produkte: Vorlesung, Übung (anteilig), Semester 5
- Lebensmitteltechnologie: Vorlesung, Praktikum, Exkursionen, Semester 4
- Novel Food: Vorlesung, Seminar, Exkursionen (anteilig), Semester 5
- Lebensmittelrecht, Verbraucherschutz (Vorlesung, Seminar), Semester 5
Ausgewählte Publikationen
Korte, I. Havelt, T., Schmitz, M., Kreyenschmidt, J.: Can Sustainable Packaging Help to Reduce Food Waste? A Status Quo Focusing Plant-Derived Polymers and Additives. Applied Sciences 11(11):5307; DOI:10.3390/app11115307
Rohr, A.M. Staudt, J., Schmitz, M., Winkelmann, T., 2021: Split-root approach reveals localized root responses towards apple replant disease (ARD) in terms of ARD biomarker gene expression and content of phenolic compounds. Scientia Horticulturae 286(2):110117; DOI:10.1016/j.scienta.2021.110117
Havelt T., Frase J.N., Pude R., Schmitz M., 2020: Characterisation of fresh and dried coniferous tree extracts with regard to bioactive ingredients for the development of sustainable packaging materials. In: Processes, 8(11), 2020, S. 1366.
Reim, S. Rohr, A., Winkelmann, T., Weiß, S., Benye Liu, Beerhues, L., Schmitz, M., Hanke, Magda-Viola, Flachowsky, H., 2020: Genes Involved in Stress Response and Especially in Phytoalexin Biosynthesis Are Upregulated in Four Malus Genotypes in Response to Apple Replant Disease. In: Frontiers in Plant Science, Vol.10, S. 73
Havelt, T., Brettschneider, S., Do, XT, Korte, I., Kreyenschmidt, J., Schmitz, M., 2019: Sustainable Extraction and Characterisation of Bioactive Compounds from Horse Chestnut Seed Coats for the Development of Bio-Based Additives. Resources 8, 114. DOI: 10.3390/resources8020114.
Havelt, T., Schmitz, M. et al. (2019): Sustainable Extraction and Characterisation of Bioactive Compounds from Horse Chestnut Seed Coats for the Development of Bio-Based Additives. Resources 8, 114. DOI: 10.3390/resources8020114 als Beitrag im Sammelband: Kusch-Brandt, S (ed) (2020): Underutilised Resources in Urban Environments. MDPI Books, Basel; ISBN: 978-3-03936-018-5 (Print) / 978-3-03936-019-2 (E-Book), DOI: 10.3390/books978-3-03936-019-2.
Engelmann, A., Schmitz, M., Fritz, A., Pabst, S., Winkelmann, T., Lützenkirchen, S, 2019: BonaRes (Modul A): Überwindung der Bodenmüdigkeit mithilfe eines integrierten Ansatzes - ORDIAmur. Laufzeit des Projektes: 11/2015-12/2018. Hannover: TIB, Technische Informationsbibliothek, 2019
Havelt T, Schmitz M, 2018: Identifizierung und Charakterisierung bioaktiver Inhaltsstoffe in Thymian. Posterpräsentation auf der 8. Tagung Arznei- und Gewürzpflanzen -forschung (10.-13-09.2018, Bonn) und Veröffentlichung eines mehrseitigen Tagungsbeitrags zum Thema. DOI: 10.5073/jka.2018.460.030
Schmitz, M., Pabst, S1., Fritz, A1., Mahnkopp, F.3, Baab G. 2, Winkelmann, T., 2018: Physiological factors of apple rootstocks and metabolic composition of their root extracts differ time dependent and in a genotype-specific manner. Scientia Horticulturae, (in press).
Winkelmann, T., Smalla, K., Amelung, W., Baab, G., Grunewaldt-Stöcker, G., Kanfra, X., Meyhöfer, R., Reim, S., Schmitz, M., Vetterlein, D., Wrede, A., Zühlke, S., Grunewaldt, J., Weiß, S. and Schloter, M. 2018: Apple Replant Disease: Causes and Mitigation Strategies. Current Issues Mol. Biol. (2018); in press (
Overbeck, V., Blanke, M., Schmitz, M., 2019: Modern training systems for forcing sweet cherries - slender spindle or hedgerow for protected growing?. In: Acta Horticulturae, Vol.1242, 2019, S. 657-662
Lützenkirchen, S., Mannkopp, F., Winkelmann, T:, Schmitz, M., 2017: Specific stress-responses of Malus under replant conditions as an indicator for the definition of resistant/tolerant apple rootstocks. Acta Horticulturae (in press).
OVERBECK, V., SCHMITZ, M., TARTACHNYK, I., BLANKE, M., 2017: Non-destructive measurements of light limitation of cherry under cover. Research Paper (Precision Agriculture, Agronomy for sustainable development, Annals of Applied Biology, Technical Note by tree physiology, in press).
OVERBECK, V. BLANKE, M., SCHMITZ, M., 2017: Targeted forcing improves quality, nutritional and health value of sweet cherry fruit. J Sci Food Agric; doi: 10.1002/jsfa.8224.
OVERBECK, V. BLANKE, M., SCHMITZ, M., 2017: Non-Destructive Sensor-Based Prediction of Maturity and Optimum Harvest Date of Sweet Cherry Fruit. Sensors 17, 277; doi:10.3390/s17020277.
OVERBECK, V. BLANKE, M., SCHMITZ, M.: Modern training systems for sweet cherries. Slender Spindle or hedgerow for protected growing? Acta Horticulturae Chania, 2016.
LÜTZENKIRCHEN, S., HENFREY, J., SCHMITZ, M., 2016: Specific stress-responses of Malus under replant conditions as an indicator for the definition of resistant/tolerant apple rootstocks. Acta Horticulturae Chania, 2016.
SCHMITZ, M. 2016: Neuere Erkenntnisse zur Entwicklung der Allergenität bei Apfel. Fachzeitschrift ökologischer Obstbau (FÖKO).
Overbeck, V., Blanke, M., Schmitz. M. 2015: Regionale Süßkirschen mit hohem gesundheitlichem Nährwert. DGG-Tagungsband 2015.
HENFREY, J.L., BAAB, G., SCHMITZ, M., 2015. Physiological stress response in apple under replant conditions. Scientia Horticulturae 194, 111-117.
KIEWNING, D., BUDDE, C., MATTHES, A., SCHMITZ-EIBERGER, M., 2014. The apple allergen Mal d 1 in fruit peel in relation to fruit pulp of different apple cultivars. J Sci Food Agric. (in press).
Overbeck, V., Blanke, M.M., Schmitz-Eiberger, M.A. 2014. HEALTHIER FRUIT WITH EXTENDAY®?.Acta Hort. (ISHS) 1058:381-388.
Kiewning, D., Schmitz-Eiberger, M., 2013. Effects of long-term storage on Mal d 1 content of four apple cultivars with initial low Mal d 1 content. J. Sci. Food Agric. 2014, 94, 798-802.
Kiewning, D.; Baab, G.; Schmitz-Eiberger, M., 2013. Effect of 1-MCP treatment on the apple (Malus domestica L. Borkh.) allergen Mal d 1 during long-term storage. LWT- Food Science and Technology, 53, 198-203.
Kiewning, D.; Wollseifen, R.; Schmitz-Eiberger, M., 2013. The impact of catechin and epicatechin, total phenols and PPO activity on the Mal d 1 content in apple fruit. Food Chemistry, 2013, 140, 99-104.
OVERBECK, V., SCHMITZ-EIBERGER, M., BLANKE, M.M., 2013.Influence of Extenday® under hail nets on fruit quality, colouration and secondary ingredients in apple fruits. J Sci Food Agric. 2013; 93(10):2575-9.
Müller, V.; Lankes, C.; Schmitz-Eiberger, M., Noga, G., Hunsche, M., 2013. Estimation of flavonoid and centelloside accumulation in leaves of Centella asiatica L. Urban by multiparametric fluorescence measurement. Environmental and Experimental Botany, 93, 27-34.
Kiewning, D., Baab, G., Schmitz-Eiberger, M., 2012. Impact of storage conditions on the apple allergen Mal d 1. Erwerbs-Obstbau, 54 (4), 177-183.
SCHMITZ-EIBERGER, M., BLANKE, M., 2012. Bioactive Components of forced Sweet Cherry Fruit (Prunus avium L.) as dependent on Cultivation under Cover in comparison to Field Conditions. Food Science and Technology, 46, (2) 375-382.
Schmitz-Eiberger, M.; Matthes, A., 2011. Effect of harvest maturity, duration of storage and shelf life of apples on the allergen Mal d 1, polyphenoloxidase activity and polyphenol content. Food Chemistry 127, 1459-1464.
Schmitz-Eiberger, M., 2011. Apple allergy: causes, background, provisional research results. European Fruit Magazine, 30, 12-14.
Schmitz-Eiberger, M.; Baab, G., 2011. The antioxidative potential of old and new apple varieties. European Fruitgrowers Magazine, 31, 22-25.
ADEBOOYE, O.C., SCHMITZ-EIBERGER, M., LANKES, CH, NOGA, G.J., 2010: Inhibitory effects of sub-optimal root zone temperature on leaf bioactive components, photosystem II (PSII) and minerals uptake in Trichosanthes cucumerina L. Curcurbitaceae. Acta Physiologiae Plantarum 32, 67-73.
Hunsche, M., Buerling, K., Saied, A.S., Schmitz-Eiberger, M., Kundi, S., Gebauer, J., Noga, G., Buerkert, A., 2010: Effects of NaCl on surface properties, chlorophyll fluorescence, light remission, and cellular compounds of Grewia tenax (Forssk.) Fiori and Tamarindus indica L. leaves. Plant Growth and Regulation 61, 253-263.
BAAB, G., M. SCHMITZ-EIBERGER, 2009: Combating bitter pit and other disorders. European Food Magazin 6, 13-15.
BAAB, G., M. SCHMITZ-EIBERGER, 2009: The nutrient element calcium. European Food Magazin 6, 10-12.
MATTHES, A. SCHMITZ-EIBERGER, M., 2009: The apple allergen Mal d 1: Effect of cultivar, cultivation system and storage conditions. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 57, 10483-11060.
MATTHES, A., M. SCHMITZ-EIBERGER, S. SCHEURER, A.R. LORENZ, U. MAYR, G. BAAB, 2009: Effect of variety, cultivation and storage conditions on Mal d 1 protein of apple fruits.Second International Symposium on Human Health Effects of Fruits and Vegetables, Houston, Texas. Acta Horticulturae 841, 563-566.
MATTHES, A., M. SCHMITZ-EIBERGER, S. SCHEURER, A.R. LORENZ 2009: Effect of cultivar, cultivation and storage conditions on the apple allergen Mal d1. Proceedings of the first International Symposium in Europe. Acta Horticulturae 817, 79-84
SCHMITZ-EIBERGER, M., WILMANNS, A., MATTHES, A., 2009: Bioactive components in fruits of different apple varieties-Effect of maturity and storage conditions. Proceedings of the Second International Symposium on Human Health Effects of Fruits and Vegetables, Acta Horticulturae 841, 309-311.
ADEBOOYE, O.C., G. NOGA and M. SCHMITZ-EIBERGER, 2008: Interactive effects of root zone temperature and paraquat in the induction of oxidative stress in Trichosanthes cucumerina L. Acta Physiologiae Plantarum 30 (6), 873-879.
ADEBOOYE, O.C., G. NOGA and M. SCHMITZ-EIBERGER, 2008: Stress response Trichosanthes cucumerina L. (Cucurbitaceae) to elevated UV-B doses. Acta Botanica Croatica 67, 69-80.
ADEBOOYE, O.C., G. NOGA and M. SCHMITZ-EIBERGER, 2008: Effects of root zone temperature and paraquat in the induction of oxidative stress in Trichosanthes cucumerina L. Acta Physiologiae Plantaraum 2008, 873-879.
BEHN, H., A. ALBERT, F. MARX, G. NOGA, M. SCHMITZ-EIBERGER and A. ULBRICH, 2008: Influence of PAR and UV-B radiation on quality and quantity of monoterpenoid essential oil from peppermint. 39th International Symposium on Essential Oils, 65.
MATTHES, A., SCHMITZ-EIBERGER, M., 2008: Polyphenol content and antioxidative capacity of apple fruit: effect of cultivar and storage conditions. Journal Applied Botany and Food Quality. 82 (2), 152-157.
HUNSCHE, M., L. DAMEROW, M. SCHMITZ-EIBERGER AND G. NOGA, 2007: Mancozeb wash-off from apple seedlings by simulated rainfall as affected by drying time of fungicide deposit and rain characteristics. Crop Protection 26, 768-774.
HUNSCHE, M., H. SCHERHAG, M. SCHMITZ-EIBERGER & G. NOGA, 2007: Influence of linseed oil ethoxylate adjuvants and rain on biological efficacy of glyphosate, evaluated using Chenopodium album, Abutilon theophrasti and Setaria viridis. Plant Protection Quarterly (in press).
HUNSCHE, M., H. SCHERHAG, M. SCHMITZ-EIBERGER AND G. NOGA, 2007: Influence of rain intensity and rapessed oil ethoxylates on biological efficacy of glyphosate. Journal of Plant Diseases and Protection, 114, 176-182.
KUCKENBERG, J., TARTACHNYK, I., SCHMITZ-EIBERGER, M., G. NOGA, 2007: UV-B induced damage and recovery processes in apple leaves as assessed by LIF and PAM fluorescence techniques. Journal of Applied Botany and Food Quality 81, 77-85.
KUCKENBERG, J., TARTACHNYK, I., SCHMITZ-EIBERGER, M., G. NOGA, 2007: Early detection of UV-B induced damages on apple seedlings by fluorescence and reflection techniques. 27th ISHS congress, Seoul, Korea.
Matthes, A., Baab, G., Schmitz-Eiberger, M., 2007: Einfluss verschiedener Lagerungsverfahren auf wertgebende Inhaltsstoffe bei Apfel. Deutsche Gesellschaft für Qualitätsforschung (Pflanzliche Lebensmittel) e.V., 42.
Schulze Althoff, G., Schulpin, C., Schmitz-Eiberger, M., Petersen, B., 2007: Einführung von dynamischen minimierungsansätzen für Rückstände in Frischeprodukten. Journal für Verbraucherschutz und Lebensmittelsicherheit 2, 20-33.
BRINGE, K., C.F.A. SCHUMACHER, M. SCHMITZ-EIBERGER, U.STEINER, E.-C. OERKE, 2006: Ontogenetic variation in chemical and physical characteristics of adaxial apple leaf surfaces. Phytochemistry 67, 161-170.
BRINGE, K., M. HUNSCHE, M. SCHMITZ-EIBERGER, G. NOGA, 2006: Retention and rainfastness of Mancozeb as affected by physicochemical characteristics of adaxial apple leaf surface after enhanced UV-B radiation. Journal of Environmental Science and Health B, 42, 1-9.
HUNSCHE, M., K. BRINGE, M. SCHMITZ-EIBERGER und G. NOGA, 2006: Leaf surface characteristics of apple seedlings, bean seedlings, and kohlrabi plants and their impact on retention and rainfastness of mancozeb. Pest Management Science 62, 839-847.
SCHMITZ-EIBERGER, M., A. MATTHES, A. SOLOVCHENKO AND G. NOGA, 2006: Significance ofskin flavonoids for reducing UV stress in apple fruits. 27th ISHS Congress, Seoul, Korea, 109.
SCHMITZ-EIBERGER, M., SOLOVCHENKO, A., MATTHES, A. 6 NOGA, G., 2006: Significance of Skin Flavonoids for reducing UV-B stress in apple fruits. 27th International Congress and Exhibition. Acta Horticulturae (submitted).
BRINGE, K., M. HUNSCHE, M. SCHMITZ-EIBERGER, G. NOGA, 2005: Significance of apple leaf surface characteristics for retention and rainfastness of the fungicide mancozeb. The BCPC International Congress – Crop Science & Technology 2005, 507-510.
HUNSCHE, M., M. SCHMITZ-EIBERGER und G. NOGA 2005: Enhancing rainfastness of contact fungicides with adjuvants. The BCPC International Congress – Crop Science & Technology 2005, 503-506.
KABAKERIS, T., G. BAAB, M. SCHMITZ-EIBERGER, 2005: Additive – kleine Menge, große Wirkung? Monatatsschrift 8, 442-444.
KRAEMER, T., H. SCHERHAG, A. ULBRICH, M. SCHMITZ-EIBERGER und G. NOGA, 2005: Effect of rapeseed oil ethoxylates on deposition and penetration behaviour of two selected calcium salt solutions. The BCPC International Congress – Crop Science & Technology 2005, 499-502.
MOHAMED, F.M., M. SCHMITZ-EIBERGER & G. NOGA, 2005: Antioxidative reactions of tepary bean Phaseolus acutifolius subjected to mild and severe water deficits and rewatering. European Journal of Horticultural Science 70, 289-299.
PUDE, R, M. SCHMITZ-EIBERGER, G. NOGA: 2005: Development, yield and selected contents of Stevia rebaudiana. Z. Arznei und Gewürzpflanzen 1, 37-43.
SCHERHAG, H., M. SCHMITZ-EIBERGER, R. DOWNER, G. NOGA, 2005: Influence of rapeseed oil ethoxylate surfactants on retention and biological efficacy of glyphosate spray solutions in selected weeds. – Journal of Applied Botany 79, 17-23.
BAAB, G., M. SCHMITZ-EIBERGER, V. WEBER UND J. LORENZ, 2004: Das antioxidative Potenzial alter und neuer Apfelsorten. Obstbau 29, 540-547.
BAAB, G., SCHMITZ-EIBERGER, M., LORENZ, J., WEBER, V. 2004: Der Gesundheitswwert alter und neuer Apfelsorten. Obstbau, 542-546.
SOLOVCHENKO, A., MATTHES, A & M. SCHMITZ-EIBERGER, 2004: The role of solar UV in long-term adaptation of ripening apple fruits to strong sunlight. Journal of Applied Botany and Food Quality 79, 72-76.
ALBRECHT, E., M. SCHMITZ-EIBERGER, W. RADEMACHER, M. BRAUCKMANN & G. NOGA, 2003: Use of prohexadione-calcium, vitamin E, and glycerin for the reduction of frost injury in apple (Malus domestica), flowers and leaves. European Journal of Horticultural Science 69, 59-65.
BAAB, G., R. BUSCH und M. SCHMITZ-EIBERGER, 2003: Zusatzstoffe im Obstbau. Obstbau 28, 608-614.
FÖRSCHLER, A., M. SCHMITZ-EIBERGER, & G. NOGA, 2003: Reduction of UV-B injury on Phaseolus vulgaris leaves and Malus domestica fruits by application of protecting agents. Journal of Applied Botany 77, 75-81.
HOELLEN, E., SCHMITZ-EIBERGER, M. & G. NOGA, 2003: Veränderung des Anthocyangehaltes und Einfluss auf das antioxidative Potenzial bei Apfelfrüchten. Lebensmittelchemie 57 (4) 79-80.
SCHMITZ-EIBERGER, M., G. NOGA, 2003: Calcium deficiency-influence on calcium distribution and antioxidative system in tomato plants. - Acta Horticulturae, 618, 217-224.
SCHMITZ-EIBERGER, M., V. WEBER, D. TREUTTER, G. BAAB & J. LORENZ, 2003: Bioactive components in fruits from different apple varieties. Journal of Applied Botany 77, 167-171.
SCHMITZ-EIBERGER, M. & G. NOGA, 2003: Calcium deficiency-influence on calcium distribution and antioxidative system in tomato plants. Acta Horticulturae, 618, 217-224.
SOLOVCHENKO, A. & M. SCHMITZ-EIBERGER, 2003: Significance of flavonoids for UV-B protection during adaption of apple fruits to strong sunlight. Journal of Experimental Botany 54, (389), 1-8.
HAEFS, R., M. SCHMITZ-EIBERGER, H. D. MOHR & G. NOGA, 2002: Improvement of Mg uptake of grapevine by use of rapeseed oil ethoyxylates for foliar application of Mg. Vitis 41, 7-10.
HAEFS, R., M. SCHMITZ-EIBERGER, H.-G. MAINX, W. MITTELSTAEDT & G. NOGA, 2002: Studies on a new group of biodegradable surfactants for glyphosate. Pest Management Science 58, 825-833.
SCHMITZ-EIBERGER, M., R. HAEFS and G. NOGA, 2002: Calcium deficiency - Influence on the antioxidative system in tomato plants. Journal of Plant Physiology 159, 733-742.
SCHMITZ-EIBERGER, M., R. HAEFS & G. NOGA, 2002: Enhancing biological efficacy and rainfastness of foliar applied calcium chloride solutions by addition of rapeseedoil surfactants. Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science 165, 634-639.
SCHMITZ-EIBERGER, M., R. HAEFS & G. NOGA, 2002: Reduction of calcium deficiency symptoms by exogenous application of CaCl2 solutions. International Symposium on Foliar Nutrition of Perennial Fruit Plants. Acta Horticulturae 594, 535-540.
SCHMITZ-EIBERGER, M. & G. NOGA, 2001: Reduction of paraquat-induced oxidative stress in Phaseolus vulgaris and Malus domestica leaves by -tocopherol. Scientia Horticulturae 91, 153-167.
SCHMITZ-EIBERGER, M. & G. NOGA, 2001: UV-B-radiation - Influence on Antioxidative Components in Phaseolus vulgaris-Leaves. Journal of Applied Botany 75, 210-215.
SCHMITZ-EIBERGER, M. & G. NOGA, 2001: Quantification and reduction of UV-B induced plant damage in Phasseolus vulgaris leaves and Malus domestica fruits. Journal of Applied Botany 75, 53-58.
BENZ, S., M. SCHMITZ-EIBERGER & G. NOGA, 2000: Regenfestigkeit von Kontaktfungiziden und ihre Einflussfaktoren. Mitteilungen der Biologischen Bundesanstalt für Land- und Forstwirtschaft 378, 472.
HAEFS, R., SCHMITZ-EIBERGER, M., WOLLENWEBER, H.W. & G. NOGA, 2000: A new group of ecological beneficial surfactants tested in formulations of glyphosate and prochloraz. In: Biologische Bundesanstalt für Land und Forstwirtschaft (Hrsg.), 52. Deutsche Pflanzenschutztagung 9.-12. Oktober 2000, Parey Buchverlag 376, 459.
NOGA, G. & M. SCHMITZ, 2000: Tocopherol and its Potential for improving fruit quality. In: Proceedings of the International Symposium on Growth and Development of Fruit Crops. Acta Horticulturae 527, 111-117.
SCHMITZ, M. & G. NOGA, 2000: Ausgewählte Pflanzeninhaltsstoffe und ihr antioxidatives Potenzial in hydrophilen und lipophilen Extrakten von Phaseolus vulgaris, Malus domestica und Vitis vinifera-Blättern. Gartenbauwissenschaft 65, 65-73.
NOGA, G. & M. SCHMITZ, 1998: Uptake characteristics and biological activity of exogenously applied -Tocopherol. In: Antioxidants in Higher Plants - Biosynthesis, Characteristics, Actions and Specific Functions in Stress Defence. Noga, G. und Schmitz, M. (Eds.), Shaker Verlag, Aachen, 112-122.
NOGA, G. & M. SCHMITZ (EDS.), 1998: Antioxidants in Higher Plants - Biosynthesis, Characteristics, Actions and Specific Functions in Stress Defence. Shaker Verlag, Aachen, 239 pp., ISBN 3-8265-4418-8.
SCHMITZ, M. & G. NOGA, 1998: Antioxidative Potential of selected plant components. In: Antioxidants in Higher Plants - Biosynthesis, Characteristics, Actions and Specific Functions in Stress Defence. Noga, G. and M. Schmitz (Eds.), Shaker Verlag, Aachen, 63-72.
SCHMITZ, M. & G. NOGA, 1998: Ascorbic acid penetration: uptake and factors affecting cuticular penetration. In: Antioxidants in Higher Plants - Biosynthesis, Characteristics, Actions and Specific Functions in Stress Defence. Noga, G. and M. Schmitz (Eds.), Shaker Verlag, Aachen, 123-129.
SCHMITZ, M. & G. NOGA, 1998: Tocopherol and its potential for improving fruit quality in apple. In: Antioxidants in Higher Plants - Biosynthesis, Characteristics, Actions and Specific Functions in Stress Defence. Noga, G. and M. Schmitz (Eds.), Shaker Verlag, Aachen, 139-148.
SCHMITZ, M. & G. NOGA, 1998: -Tocopherol reduced environmental stress and improved fruit quality. In: Proceedings of the Second Workshop on Pome Fruit Quality. M. M. BLANKE (Hrsg.), Acta Horticulturae 466, 89-94.
WÖLFEL, D., M. SCHMITZ & G. NOGA, 1998: Reduction of paraquat-induced oxidative stress by vitamin E in (Phaseolus vulgaris) and (Malus domestica). In: Antioxidants in Higher Plants - Biosynthesis, Characteristics, Actions and Specific Functions in Stress Defence. Noga, G. and M. Schmitz (Eds.), Shaker Verlag, AACHEN, 131-138.
SCHMITZ, M., 1997: Bedeutung von Vitaminen für die Abwehr oxidativen Stresses bei Bohne und Apfel. Dissertation Universität Bonn. Cuvillier Verlag, Göttingen.
NOGA, G. & M., SCHMITZ, 1998: Antioxidants in Higher Plants. Shaker Verlag, Aachen, ISBN 3-8265-4418-8.
1. (Bundesanstalt für Landwirtschaft und Ernährung)
2. Beittrag zur Apfelallergie und Inhaltsstoffen: Http://