Koordinator Ausbildung Fremdsprachen
- LBA Meschede - Business English, Technical English
- LBA Soest - International English Communication & Self-Management
Latest News
Pub English - is a regular meeting held in a Meschede pub where students can talk about anything they want as long as it is in English. This is your chance to talk with other students in a more relaxed atmosphere. Join us for a drink, meet new people and chat about anything you like. All students are welcome regardless of semester, subject or English ability. Check back here regularly or on facebook for details of the next meeting.
Erasmus exchanges - the FH has partner universities all over Europe offering one or two-semester exchanges for students of ALL subjects. If you are interested in going abroad see the full list of Partnerunis. At some universities it is even possible to graduate there so you end up with two degrees - one from the FH and one from your host university.