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Part-time Applied Computer Science (B.Sc.)


Mann am PC zur Datenauswertung


In the field of computer science technological developments are so dynamic that constant adjustments of the syllabus to the current state of the art and the needs of modern businesses are a key requirement for applied teaching. The combined studies programme BSc in Applied Computer Science focusses on the most relevant application fields of informatics and teaches key skills and applications for positions in industry, business, research and administration, with a particular focus on software applications and integrated systems.

The combined studies program BSc in Applied Computer Science is designed for trainees and full-time employees, in particular those working as IT technicians, IT systems technicians or skilled IT workers, who would like to increase their training in the areas of designing software applications and integrated systems and would like to complete an accredited degree programme at a German university.

What? Flexible IT degree programme specialising in system integration, application development and artificial intelligence.

For whom? Anyone interested in combining training/profession with a Bachelor's degree programme.

Why? The degree programme paves the way to top jobs in various digital fields.

Fachbereich Informatik und Naturwissenschaften. Studierende Personen im Computerraum

At the end of the practice-orientated degree course is the Bachelor's degree, which paves the way for further qualifications: In Iserlohn there is the part-time Master's programme in Applied Computer Science or in Meschede the part-time Master's programme in Data Science.