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Study Organisation

Information for International Full-Time Students

Studierende im Selbstlernbereich

Essential information on the organisation of your studies

Here you can find information about academic leave, exmatriculation, change of degree course, student card etc.

On this page you will find information and forms on the following topics:

Explanation of the registration and deregistration for examinations

Students with an examination regulation version up to 2021 can register and deregister for exams via the Virtual Service Center.

For students who are studying from examination regulations version 2022 onwards, you can register and deregister for examinations via the Online-Portal. On our homepage you will also find an instruction video (only in german availible) explaining how you can register for and deregister from examinations.

In the Online-Portal you can see which examination regulations version you are currently studying in the menu under My Studies>Studies Service>My Status.

Examination regulations Examination regulations

Please note that any subject-specific examination regulations, which you can find on the respective study course pages, are valid together with the General Examination Regulations (Rahmenprüfungsordnung, RPO) of the South Westphalia University of Applies Sciences.

General Examination Regulations

Please note that any subject-specific examination regulations are valid together with the General Examination Regulations (Rahmenprüfungsordnung, RPO) of the South Westphalia University of Applies Sciences. You can find these here:

  • Rahmenprüfungsordnung (RPO) der Fachhochschule Südwestfalen vom 6. Juni 2018 (english version) PDF
  • It is important to note that an examination regulation should always be read in conjunction with its amendments.

Regulations on withdrawal from an examination due to illness

  • Regulations on withdrawal from an examination due to illness PDF

Template affidavit for open-book examinations

  • Template affidavit for open-book examinations PDF

Examination Regulations of expiring study courses

Are you looking for the examination regulations for a degree course that is being discontinued? Or are you seeking an older degree course that you cannot find on our website and would like to learn about a suitable alternative? If so, you will find an overview of the degree courses that are being discontinued and the associated examination regulations as well as alternative degree course offers here.
Are you pursuing a degree course that adheres to an older examination regulation and in need of the relevant documentation? The examination regulations for a degree course, both old and current, can be found on the relevant degree course website.

Practical project / Practical semester: Application forms for admission Practical project / Practical semester

You can find campus- and faculty-specific application forms at your Student Service Office and here (Please note that only the English-taught study courses are listed).


  • Master's study course International Management & Information Systems: Antrag auf Zulassung zum Praxisprojekt / Application for Admission to the Practical Project PDF


  • Antrag auf Zulassung für den Verbundstudiengang Elektrotechnik PDF
  • Antrag auf Zulassung für den Verbundstudiengang Mechatronische Systeme/ Elektrotechnik PDF
  • Antrag auf Zulassung für die Verbundstudiengänge Betriebswirtschaft, Studienrichtung Wirtschaftsrecht und Wirtschaftsrecht PDF
  • Antrag auf Zulassung für die Vollzeitstudiengänge des Fachbereichs E&I PDF
  • Antrag auf Zulassung für die Vollzeitstudiengänge des Fachbereichs TBW PDF
  • Erklärung über die Abgabe von Zusatzexemplaren der Abschlussarbeiten für die Vollzeitstudiengänge des Fachbereichs TBW PDF


  • Antrag auf Zulassung für alle Präsenzstudiengänge im Fachbereich Informatik & Naturwissenschaften PDF
  • Antrag auf Zulassung für alle Präsenzstudiengänge im Fachbereich Maschinenbau PDF
  • Antrag auf Zulassung für den Verbundstudiengang Kunststofftechnik PDF
  • Antrag auf Zulassung für den Verbundstudiengang Maschinenbau PDF
  • Antrag auf Zulassung für den Verbundstudiengang Mechatronik PDF
  • Antrag auf Zulassung zur Bachelorarbeit für den Verbundstudiengang Angewandte Informatik PDF


  • Antrag auf Zulassung zur Bachelorarbeit (Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen FPO 2019) PDF
  • Antrag auf Zulassung für alle Bachelorstudiengänge PDF


  • Application for Admission to the Bachelor Thesis PDF
  • Statement of authorship for degree theses at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering PDF

Information regarding the preparation of a thesis in a company

Despite the legal obligation of university members to secrecy, many companies now require a non-disclosure agreement (GHV) to be signed by at least their supervisor if a thesis is to be completed in the company, as this could contain information that is subject to non-disclosure.

That is why we have created a template for you which – in contrast to many templates from business – contains regulations on the examination procedure.

Pattern PDF

We strongly advise you to take/submit this sample with you during your first specific conversation/contact with the company or the person responsible for you in the company before signing a contract and to clarify with the company whether a GHV is required and whether the GHV of the FH SWF may be sufficient. If the company rejects the GHV of the FH SWF for any reason and gives you its own GHV instead, please send this to the legal department before signing a specific agreement. The respective contact details can be found on our website: Contact Legal and Compliance


  • Antrag auf Zulassung für den Verbundstudiengang Elektronische Systeme PDF
  • Antrag auf Zulassung für den Verbundstudiengang Elektrotechnik PDF
  • Antrag auf Zulassung für den Vollzeitstudiengang Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen PDF
  • Antrag auf Zulassung für den weiterbildenden Verbundstudienganges Technische Betriebswirtschaft PDF
  • Antrag auf Zulassung für den weiterbildenden Verbundstudiengang Wirtschaftsrecht PDF
  • Erklärung über die Abgabe von Zusatzexemplaren der Abschlussarbeiten für die Vollzeitstudiengänge des Fachbereichs TBW PDF


  • Antrag auf Zulassung für den Studiengang Integrierte Produktentwicklung PDF
  • Antrag auf Zulassung für den Verbundstudiengang Maschinenbau PDF
  • Antrag auf Zulassung im Fachbereich Informatik und Naturwissenschaften PDF
  • Antrag auf Zulassung zur Masterarbeit für den Verbundstudiengang Angewandte Informatik PDF
  • Antrag auf Zulassung zur Masterarbeit für den Verbundstudiengang Life Science Engineering PDF


  • Antrag auf Zulassung zur Masterarbeit PDF


  • Application for Admission to the Master's Thesis in the degree course International Management & Information Systems PDF
  • Request for admission to Master thesis in International Management & Information Systems - Online PDF
  • Application for Admission to the Master's Thesis in the degree course Systems Engineering and Engineering Management / Advanced Engineering and Engineering Management PDF

  • Antrag auf Verlängerung der Abgabefrist der Masterarbeit PDF (German content only)
  • Statement of authorship for theses at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering PDF

Information regarding the preparation of a thesis in a company

Despite the legal obligation of university members to secrecy, many companies now require a non-disclosure agreement (GHV) to be signed by at least their supervisor if a thesis is to be completed in the company, as this could contain information that is subject to non-disclosure.

That is why we have created a template for you which – in contrast to many templates from business – contains regulations on the examination procedure.

Pattern PDF

We strongly advise you to take/submit this sample with you during your first specific conversation/contact with the company or the person responsible for you in the company before signing a contract and to clarify with the company whether a GHV is required and whether the GHV of the FH SWF may be sufficient.

If the company rejects the GHV of the FH SWF for any reason and gives you its own GHV instead, please send this to the legal department before signing a specific agreement. The respective contact details can be found on our website: Contact Legal and Compliance

Academic leaveAcademic leave

Academic leave can only be granted for very specific reasons. In general, leave is granted for one semester. If the leave is requested for taking a year out as Volunteer, leave can be granted for two semesters.

The reasons for taking academic leave must persist during at least half of the semester.

Accepted reasons are

Application and further information on academic leave

The Application for academic leave must be submitted via our online portal during the period of re-registration.

As the academic leave replaces the renewal of registration, the deadline is the same as for re-registration. An exception can only be made if the reason for academic leave has only become apparent after the deadline.

If the student is required to pay fees during the leave semester, these fees must be paid before leave can be granted. This will be shown in the online portal.

Module examinations or assignments cannot be completed during the leave semester. Exceptions are parental leave semester or leave due to care for close relatives or repetition of failed module examinations.

Please note: Taking an academic leave can have an effect on financial support you receive, e.g. on BAföG, child benefits or on your residence status (and work permit), your health insurance (higher contributions might be required) etc.

Please ask the relevant contact person before you apply for academic leave.


You can apply for exmatriculation any time. Once you have been exmatriculated, you are no longer a student member of the South Westphalia University of Applied Sciences.

The fees you have paid, i.e. the administration and student fees as well as any fees covering materials can only be reimbursed if the exmatriculation application together with the required documents (student certificate, semester ticket, proof of enrolment) has been received before the Lecture period has started. The decision whether the semester ticket can be reimbursed lies with the student representation body, the AStA at Hagen, Iserlohn and Soest.

In some cases, the exmatriculation may be instigated by the administration (for example, if you have not renewed your enrolment.

If you did not renew your enrolment deliberately, for example because you have completed your studies or because you do not intend to continue your studies, you do not have to act. If you do not renew your semester enrolment, you will automatically receive an exmatriculation document, which you can submit to any authority or which you can submit to a new university where you would like to enrol. The fact that you did not instigate the exmatriculation yourself does not count against you.

Maternity protection for female studentsMaternity protection

Starting on 1 January 2018, the new Maternity Protection Act came into force. For the first time, female students are also included in the scope of application and protection of this law. Pregnant women and mothers who are studying are entitled to a six-week protection period before the delivery and a minimum eight-week protection period after birth.

The most important aspects of the Maternity Protection Act for students

The Family Support Centre of the South Westphalia University of Applied Sciences is your first contact regarding questions about maternity protection.
We provide you with the legal text of the Maternity Protection Act so that you can be familiarised with the regulations in detail (only in German language).
In addition, we would like to refer to a guide on maternity protection from the responsible Federal Ministry.


According to § 1 para. 2 no. 8, the law applies to female students if the university stipulates the place, time and course of the education as compulsory or if they complete an internship that is compulsory as part of their university education.

Maternity protection measures

It cannot be completely excluded that there could be health hazards for you or your unborn child in the course of your studies during some lectures. After you have notified us of your pregnancy (voluntary), a so-called risk assessment must be carried out, irrespective of the course of study, so that any hazards can be identified and appropriate protective measures can be taken. This is automatically carried out by an occupational safety specialist in consultation with the responsible faculty. In individual cases, you may be contacted in this regard.

Notification about a pregnancy / birth

It is up to you whether you want to notify the university about your pregnancy or the fact that you are a mother. Although it is voluntary, pregnant women and mothers are encouraged to report their pregnancy or birth to the university in their own interest. If you wish to make use of this option, please contact the Student Service Office of your campus.

The employees will inform other parties involved and consult them on your behalf. In particular, the relevant faculty will take the necessary protective measures within the scope of their responsibility and, if necessary, also decide upon applications on the part of the examiners. In addition, the Maternity Protection Act requires the university to notify the responsible supervisory authority (District Government of Arnsberg).
If you make use of the maternity leave period, you will automatically be deregistered from the examinations for which you have registered within the maternity leave period.

Notification of birth

If you would like to take advantage of the maternity protection period after birth of your child, please fill out the form for notification of birth (German only) and send it to the Student Services Office of your campus.

Forms (only in German language available)
Form Notification about pregnancy (PDF)
Form Notification of birth (PDF)

Change of study course/ Transfer/ Second degree courseChange of study course/ Transfer/ Second degree course

It is not unusual for students to realise in the first semesters of their degree course that this might not be the right choice for them or that another course might suit them better. As there are some important deadlines and some required documentation, it is a good idea to first contact your Student Service Office.

Important information
  • Deadlines for Change / Transfer to Degree Course
  • In some cases, changing your degree course might have an effect on or could lead to the loss of your BAföG grant. For this reason, it is a good idea to first contact the BAföG Office.
  • You can only change your degree course if you have asked for and received permission from the Student Service Office. For example, if you have finally failed in your Mechanical Engineering degree course, you cannot retake this course anywhere in Germany. Some examination regulations further state that you cannot change your degree course if you have already finally failed modules that are also part of the other course.
  • Also, you can only change to a degree course for which you fulfil the admissions requirements.
  • If you would like to transfer into a degree course and would like to enter into a higher semester, you must first have your credits recognised by the examination board of your chosen course. Without this accreditation, you may not be able to register for the new degree course.
  • If the change of degree course will to take place in the winter semester and no credits can be transferred for entry into a higher semester, the student will be enrolled into the first semester of the new degree course. If the course has specific entry requirements, the student has to complete the entry assessment. Students must ensure that they submit their application with all required documents before the set deadline. A change of degree course is like a normal first enrolment into a course, the same deadlines and documentation requirements apply.

Student ID card - ChiporelloStudent ID card - Chiporello

Student ID Card

The Chiporello is the official document used at the university from spring 2017 onwards. There are two different card versions for students: If you have a card with a photograph, you do not need an additional photo ID. If you choose a card without a photograph, you will need an additional photo ID for identification.

Library Card

The Chiporello is at the same time your library card at the South Westphalia University of Applied Sciences.

Copying and printing

You are able to print and photocopy at the university using the payment chip.

Photo upload

Do I have to upload a photograph to be printed onto my card?

You can opt for a Chiporello with or without a photo. Both will make most functions available to you. But with the Chiporello without a photo you will have to carry an alternative photo ID whenever you want to use this as identification, i.e. to receive students discounted meals in the Mensa.

How do I upload the photograph?

You can find a link which enables you to upload a photograph for your Chiporello in the online portal. The link is for a website on which you can opt for either a Chiporello Card with or without photo ID.

The access data you need to register in the online portal will be sent to you by post.

What should the photo look like?

The photo must show your entire face, from chin to the hairline. Both sides of the face must be visible and well-lit. Reflecting glasses, sunglasses or headgear are not allowed (the only exception is a scarf or other headgear that you wear for religious reasons). The photograph does not have to fulfill all passport requirements, but the instructions given on the Passbild-Mustertafel der Bundesdruckerei for taking passport photograph can be a useful guide.

Re-registration periods

Re-registration summer semester 2024:

08.01.2024 - 22.01.2024

Please log in to the Online Portal and transfer the amount indicated there. Please also note the re-registration block that may be indicated there. You will receive an email to the email address set up by the South Westphalia University ( at the beginning of the re-registration period.

Is your postal address correct?
Please make sure that the address you have stated is always up to date. This ensures that you can receve important letters from the South Westphalia University. You can notify the change of your address online, by telephone, by email or by postal mailing.

A reimbursement of the semester fees and, if applicable, the material purchase fees is only possible in the case of exmatriculation until the above mentioned start dates of lectures of the respective semester. However, there may be different deadlines for your individual study course. Information is provided by the faculties (see below). However, the date of the above-mentioned start of lectures is still relevant for the reimbursement.

Semester dates by the faculties

Please select

The semester dates are determined by the faculties and may differ from the official lecture periods.

Please select your faculty or study course. These are sorted by campus.

Faculty of Electrical Engineering

Winter semester 2024/25

Welcome Days
  • Welcome BBA
    • 8 October 2024
  • Welcome AEEM
    • 7 October 2024
  • IMIS-Online Onboarding Week
    • 23 until 27 September 2024
Lecture period
  • Lecture period
    • 7 October 2024 until 24 January 2025
Examination and Registration Period
  • Early registration for combi, portfolio, homework, semester-long partial examinations:
    • 7 October until 3 November 2024, Cancellations possible until 17 November 2024
  • Registration period (2. period summer semester 2024)
    • 19 August until 1 September 2024
  • Examination period (2. period summer semester 2024)
    • 12 September until 27 September 2024
  • Registration period (1. period winter semester 2024/25)
    • 16 December 2024 until 6 January 2025
  • Examination period (1. period winter semester 2024/25)
    • 27 January until 25 February 2025
  • Registration period (2. period winter semester 2024/25)
    • 24 February until 9 March 2025
  • Examination period (2. period winter semester 2024/25)
    • 20 March until 4 April 2025
Lecture-free days
  • Christmas
    • 23 December 2024 until 3 January 2025
  • Semester break
    • To be announced

Faculty of Electrical Engineering

Summer semester 2025

Welcome Days
  • Welcome IMIS
    • To be announced
  • Welcome SEEM
    • To be announced
Examination and Registration Period
  • Registration period (2. period winter semester 2024/25)
    • To be announced
  • Examination period (2. period winter semester 2024/25)
    • To be announced
  • Early registration for combi, portfolio, homework, semester-long partial examinations
    • To be announced
  • Cancellations possible: To be announced
  • Registration period (1. period summer semester 2025)
    • To be announced
  • Examination period (1. period summer semester 2025)
    • To be announced
  • Registration period (2. period summer semester 2025)
    • To be announced
  • Examination period (2. period summer semester 2025)
    • To be announced

Other semester dates can be found here (all information in german).