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International Exchange Students


Drei Studierende Personen vor dem Gebäude in Soest.

Information for incoming ERASMUS students

You have been nominated by your home institution as ERASMUS student for the Fachhochschule Südwestfalen? Congratulations!

Please read on for information concerning registration, enrolment, arrival and stay at the FH Südwestfalen. (If you have been nominated as a student for the Double Degree Programme, please see here for detailed information.)

What do you have to do in your home country?

Your home institution will nominate you for a stay at the Fachhochschule Südwestfalen and inform us accordingly.

  • ERASMUS students are urgently recommended to make use of the OLS language courses offered by the ERASMUS programme.
  • Draw up a Learning Agreement with the help of your subject co-ordinator. In it, specify which modules you would like to do at the FH Südwestfalen and have recognized by your home institution afterwards. You can get a form for the Learning Agreement in your International Office. The module descriptions for the individual courses can be obtained from the individual pages of the degree courses. Please be aware that the descriptions are in German only!
  • We will send you an application form by email next. Complete the form and send it along with a transcript of records to You will receive an email confirmation from us that we will accept you as an ERASMUS student at the FH Südwestfalen. The closing date for receipt of your application form at the International Office is 1 July for the winter semester, and 1 December for the summer semester. It is a good idea to send a list showing all the modules which you have already completed at your home institution. (transcript of records)
  • If you have any specialist questions on your studies at the Fachhochschule Südwestfalen, please contact your departmental co-ordinator.
  • Turkish students should note that applications for a visa from the embassy in Turkey take AT LEAST six weeks.
  • Please also make sure in advance that your health insurance and your third-party insurance will cover your stay in Germany.
  • Before you leave for Germany, please inform the International Office by email ( of your exact place and time of arrival.
  • Please bring the following documents with you to Germany:
    • Passport or identity card
    • Confirmation of health insurance
    • Any document evidencing that your stay in Germany is financially covered. This may be a letter from your parents confirming that they will pay your living expenses in Germany, or a statement of account showing that you have sufficient funds at your disposal.
    • 2 passport sized photos

What do you have to do when you arrive in Germany?

  • After you arrive, please report to the International Office in Soest or in Iserlohn as soon as possible and bring all your documents with you. Enrolment takes place in the respective Student Services office. Please remember that you will have to pay a semester enrolment fee along with the fee for the bus and train ticket (this latter does not apply to campus Meschede). This fee has to be paid into the Fachhochschule Südwestfalen’s account using a transfer form which you will receive on enrolment. It is advisable to open a cost-free account at a German bank.
  • You should then report to your departmental co-ordinator and introduce yourself. S/He will help you if you have any further questions on your studies and timetable.
  • Within a week of your arrival you have to report to the residents’ registration office in the town in which you are living, where you will apply for a residence permit. To do so, you will need your passport, your health insurance certificate, your lease, a confirmation of enrolment and proof that your stay in Germany is financially covered. The International Office will help you with this.

If you have any further questions, please contact